Sunday, November 01, 2015

Endless expanses Karaby

Karaby-Yayla - mountain as part of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains, the easternmost of the larger jajl Crimea. The average height of an array of about 1000 m above sea level. It features a very harsh climate and rapid changes of weather. The landscape here is reminiscent of the tundra. Often blowing wind and dwarf trees can be found. Considered to be one of the coldest places in the Crimea.
Also here in Soviet times experienced the first lunar rover. The site was chosen for good reason - the rugged terrain, heaps of stones, funnel.
It is also located a lot of karst caves. Among them - Karst Soldier mine (515 m), the deepest cave in the Ukraine.
In practice, under Karaby wasteland, and it is caused by an abundance of caves.
In this regard, Karabakh draws attention not only speleologists, and UFO researchers, many eyewitnesses claim to have seen a UFO here.
Another problem here with drinking water, the water source is located in the same place on the plateau, and there is no more water. So it is with wood for the fire, on the plateau of the wood is not found, only closer to the edge of the trees. Especially good Karaby that portion adjacent to the Su-Ata. He is like an oasis. Here and is the only source of water to grow beech trees, even the apple found.
Endless expanses Karaby eyes beckon, here you feel hardened traveler.
It is beautiful here in the fall - Yayla acquires a different color than the summer - yellow-autumn. Here you can find rosehip, lemongrass, wild pear.
In autumn there are few who meet, so here is the best place for meditation, yoga, diving and searching for yourself this. Among this nature are configured on an entirely different soothing way, and to contemplate all this magnificent beauty, and you begin to understand the meaning of life. After all, everyone has his own.
And if you lose yourself - go in search of yourself on Karaby.
And I'm sure you'll find yourself!

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